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Ways To Join

There are two ways to join SSA

1. Online: on the Member Signup menu option.  

2. Come to our Monthly Mixer which is held on the 2nd Thursday of every month (except December).  See the Contact Us page or select the event and Register.

By coming to the Monthly Mixer and getting to know our members and officers you can make an informed decision as to whether we are the club for you.  If you do decide to join, a membership application can be filled out that evening or online.
Dues are $90 per year, plus a one time $20 fee for a name badge.  For what other Yacht Clubs in the San Francisco Bay Area cost per month, you can get a year's membership, plus the potential of reciprocity to visit other Yacht Clubs in the bay area.

So what are you waiting for?  Come to our next Monthly Mixer which has the bar opening at 5:00pm, heavy hors d’oeuvres at 6pm, a brief pause at 7pm to talk about fun past events and announce future events and socializing resumes at 7:30, bar closes at 9pm.  Meetings are the second Thursday of each month, except for December. Registration is required and the fee is $15 in advance or $20 at the door.